Monday, June 23, 2014


The identified projects at our new school . Identify any of these below and help us get started the sooner for the sake of our children. Asante sana.

Bee Keeping 

Borehole to provide natural water for all purposes. already the borehole has been dug

Organic Kienyeji Chicken rearing.

to Donate

Organic Vegetable Farming to add Nutritional value and bring forth healthy children, healthy nation surplus can be sold to the market to get income to help in running the institution. to donate

Installation of Solar panels to be source of clean green energy

Sewing Machine- artistry and Craft

To support any of the projects above please contact Moffat @ or send your donations to

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Our values
1.      Quality and affordable Education.
2.      Qualified, skilled, professional and compassionate members of staff.
3.      Focused professional and personal development.
4.      High expectations from both trainers and trainees.
5.      Training and offering leadership roles for the future.
6.      Instilling self discipline through guidance, role modeling and teaching moral lessons.
7.      Conducive and supportive learning environment for physical, mental, academic and intellectual growth,
8.      Incorporating sports, drama, and other extracurricular activities to complement class learning to  reach their full potential.
9.      Open existence with and within the community through interaction, communication and collaboration.
10.  Respecting and preserving the environment as the source and part of our existence.

11.  Inculcating patriotism by emphasizing good governance, respect of authority, country and the spirit of globalization.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Every Parent's Dream School


We have set the stage of world peace with the installation of love, compassion and dignity at birth. We have sown seeds of respect and dignity at birth and the bigger scale of growth and the future of these bundles will be determined by the environment we surround these little ones. Every mother’s day is an achievement for us being facilitators and supporters of women and their babies. The journey to birth in our community is quite a bigger challenge to crack. Let me say that all the factors that will be detrimental to the normal, perfect, physical, intellectual and emotional growth of those babies is are ever present and indeed unfathomable.
We are now challenged and as a result focused to go a higher level to ensure these children are jealously protected from the negated environment that they have been born. These children are so innocent, tender, pure and beautiful, yet still, out there monsters are positioned, waiting to maul them and ensure that they become dark angels of insecurity, drug abuse, prostitution, premarital sex and abuse, unwarranted pregnancies and the effects of HIV and venereal diseases. It is a common established and well researched fact that in informal settlements, it’s a dark dungeon than can only be overcome by security, love, education, guidance and counseling and persistent preaching of love with human virtues. Well it’s a wake up call to set forth a world that will be safe for humanity that will live before us. We all are determined, devoted, committed and are ready to see the big picture of such a mission coming to pass in spite of the big price and sacrifices we have to face and all the pain that has to be endured to see it come to pass. Welcome Ladies and Gentleman the set to be opened FreMo School.

Sponsor A needy child at FreMo Elementary School

 As you can see in my previous posts, it took creativity, passion and commitment to turn the sewerage desolate shackles to house the children at FreMos. They are beautiful, brilliant, dreamers, achievers and committed to succeed. But then all these are mysteries when the little help they beg doesn't come, soon. Look at what they had to say. Pick one of them or pay for tuition, lunch, transport, uniforms or whatever you can.
to Donate click: and and indicate sponsor my child. Asante sana

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Ways in which parents have contributed to poor performance of their children.
1.     The teacher will do. Many are the times parents have left their responsibilities hoping that teachers are the answers to every sort of indiscipline to their children. A few weeks ago I was walking at the local market accompanied by my sisters, then one parent was telling the story of how his son had become a disgrace and disobedient at home. She ended up commenting that when the boy makes it to school, the teacher will take the responsibility to patch him and make him obedient, disciplined and a success. She got it wrong here; the reason being that at school the boy is going to be a double disgrace to her. Firstly, many meetings are going to be planned between her and the administration to sort the messes. Secondly, she could have consumed her productive time and money to run to school to sort what could have been corrected and rectified in time. Teachers are a continuation to excellence and not rehabilitators.
2.     You don’t understand my child. You are a too much. Most parents think their children are saints. As a result of too much love, over protectiveness and arrogance they tend to think if their children are wrong, it is a just one incident thing. Let me tell you, what you don’t know is that most teachers are parents too, they are professional and skilled to handle and to train your children. Instead of becoming defensive, why can’t you sit down asses the whole situation? Calm down and take time to be on the other side. Maybe your child is hiding some character. Form collaboration with the teacher and follow up your child with the assistance of the teacher.
3.     Mean. Most parents don’t value the time they are needed at school. They politicize instead of prioritizing their children’s needs, wants and demands. Whenever they are invited to be at school they have got all kinds of excuses including busy at work, running errands and worst of all, it is the same old story in parent school meetings. Parent should understand that the time they have with their children is brief and limited, therefore the available time should be exhausted and maximized to the fullest. Attend parents’ day, graduation celebrations and award ceremonies. Nothing is more gratifying to the children than seeing their parents cheering, smiling and proud of them from the crowd.
4.     Criticizing teachers in front of their children.  Children should be taught respect through the mirror. To children all people should be treated equally with social justice. If children are taught and learn to disrespect, their minds would be already polluted. Don’t sow hatred in children. Avoid undermining, abusing, scorning and criticizing teachers in the presence of children. The same measure you use is the same or even worse still they will use toward such teachers. Don’t expect anything to be bought by pupils if they already know that their teachers are worthless. Face the teacher separately and discuss your case if you seem to have a personal vendetta or seeing something that should be tackled maturely.
5.     Siding with teachers. This is so common when children are in the adolescence stage. During these times parents tend to get the negative only. Even teachers would be wrong at some point. If your child is facing a challenges and they have extended to school don’t show partiality but rather identify the problem and tackle it with love and discipline. Your child needs your protection when they are facing external forces but then not at a personal siding way. Just because you didn't agree at home, the school should expect the same. Where do you expect them to run to?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Children are our future-Let the Children Be!

Moffat Founder Member

You have heard the story about Mrs. Thompson the elementary school teacher. After learning that one of her worst performing pupil needs help, she steps in and plays the role of a mother figure who has died, the protector from the anguish and loneliness left by the harsh father, and a comrade, colleague and a shoulder deprived by his fellow class mates. We learn that despite the challenges the boy has gone through, he knows for sure there was one love he owed that believed in him despite, the tragedy, the loneliness and the scruffiness that was accompanying every minute he was in school.

Mrs. Thompson is an inspiration to all teachers on what is expected of them and what they should do to fix children’s challenges, exclude fear and above all propel them as long as they are alive. Teachers pride themselves for their skills. They got distinction in exams; they scored well in assessment tests and in extracurricular activities they excel and wow their dreams go further to break the glass ceiling. Mrs. Thompson would have been the best teacher but then it is the u turn that brought to her up the wake up call. She had to examine and reshape history by tackling the most difficult problem in class, teaching children to believe themselves, showing them a sense of pride and letting them to lead the way. This is summed up in one of the most electrifying song of the American Singer Whitney Houston, The Greatest Love of All.

“I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be”.

Teachers you have the most challenging yet most gratifying jobs in the whole planet. You are accountable and you must always remember you are the custodian of the next generation. These are pure jewels, very innocent, obedient and ready to learn. You must tread carefully not mislead but let them lead. Children by nature are followers but we can learn to give them a chance for them to know how to lead, we should be watching from some distance not to make them less adventurers. A great adventuring lead to success, soul searching and the rules that comes from the whole sojourning becomes the best lesson. The lesson come from personal experience, that of trial and personal experience.
Parents must have faith in teachers. They must that believe full of conviction that teachers like any other human being need support. Give them the support that looks at the betterment and personal development of the child. The child must be given an opportunity to make decisions that comes from the heart and mind.

Teachers must be role models, child protector and child custodians.
Mentoring is a very tough word. When you mentor, you inspire, you build, you challenge to get better, you show them the reality of life and inspire that the rut will be golden.  Role model the children for them to see exactly what lie ahead.

They wouldn't have the courage to believe they are beautiful if their own teacher won’t appear beautiful before their own eyes. We are always told that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and therefore if the children see beauty in the eyes of their own teacher, the will then belief that they are beautiful, their world is beautiful and that the unknown they are ready to adventure is even more beautiful- their future. Protect your children from emotional break downs, dirty talk, reckless views in clothing and acting and all the abuses they might face from home, on the way to and from, and at school. I remember not long time ago I was carrying my nephew Rafael, as I was crossing the sewer trenches of Kawangware, I slipped and lo, down I went. As I lay down on the stink sewer, I found that I was still holding off tightly of my nephew. He didn't touch any dirty nor did he got to get bruised even got shaken by the pressure of falling. That is exactly what is expected of you on these children. Insulate them with you all you have got. Master the tactics of abuse and hurting that children are prone too, the tools of abuse and the secrets they hide to snare. Let them be held before they advance to destruction.

Let the children be!
Don’t dictate the dream, nurture it to blossom and sprout. Like any other natural herb, tree of flower, any interference breaks its perfect growth and brings artificial growth other than the natural. Well, you don’t take an upper hand but rather aspire to hold their hand. The other day I was in the house and as I sat on the coach waiting for dinner to be served, my 16 months old daughter, Irvinta walked unto me and held my hand. As she grasped me, she led me to the bedroom and showed me the direction where her toys were kept. I was surprised and shocked as well on how she mastered the location. I allowed her to lead the way, I never questioned her adventurous motives and as we reached for the toys I learn that age doesn't deter from becoming and knowing what these little ones want!

Moffat Osoro

Founder FreMo Elementary School and FreMo Medical Centre Nairobi Kenya.

Every Learning Child is an Achiever and Special.

FreMo School Pupils during Physical Education.

Every Learning Child is an Achiever and Special.
When you allow the children to become what they were meant to be they will explode and become who they were meant to be. Make sure whatever you teach and inculcate to resonate with them to make for them to be complete souls. Once set free with the right information they will break the glass ceiling and after the ceiling, it is where they will find that we want them to see.
Much of what we hope and aspire as our legacies lie no other but in those children.

I want to challenge you today that every child in this school is special and counts. Whether h/she comes from a dark alley, undefined street, from an orphanage, a domestically abused background or a plenty home, they matter to the universe. Let every child in your class feel loved, cared, safe, an achiever and normal. Put high expectations to your pupils but don’t manipulate and humiliate in your own way to their achievement. Pour love to those who look insecure and timid, work closely to those who are slow learners, let their pace be an encouragement to draw you closer to them to build a bridge that will open many avenues of creativity to enhance and improve their performance. Feel inspired every day with those little ones, they are innocent beings and therefore it is easier to make them stand pure now and always and yes easily prone to manipulation and pollution of the mind; don’t. Each soul inside those classes means a lot to humanity because we will be certain about our future if we lay our confidence in what we plant in them emotionally, academically, spiritually and intellectually knowing they are our stewards. Much of what we hope and aspire as our legacies lie no other but in those children. Let FreMo Elementary School stand as a beacon of hope to all parents who have some hope in schools as a source of enlightenment and empowerment and betterment in moulding children to make the world a better place than they found it.
You have our support, parents support and fate, because fate is true, faithful and abiding by those who remain true to their heart in giving their best no matter what the challenges would be. Asante Sana.
Moffat Osoro (Parent and Founder Member FreMo Elementary  School= Nairobi Kenya-Kawangware)
FreMo second staff meeting on 20/05/2014

to be involved click the link.

Nurture, Enlighten and Empower through Education

FreMo Elementary School Education.
We have been given a challenge to be the face of the next generation. Our roles and ways on how we are going to execute our responsibilities will be determined by how the children before us will navigate through life with our assistance to become fully complete human beings. Our emphasis should be more than academic excellence. To excel with good grades is okay, it should be admired and appreciated by all means and by everybody but if we ignore other aspects of life that bring forth the best in the development of these children human, all will be lost and the future of our civilization will be put into test leading us to lose the essence of exhausting our creativity with the freedom to think and act.

Standard 3 class

The children under FreMo Elementary School care should be children who will go on life not damaged by the expectations and standards that the modern education systems which stresses or academic excellence but rather the need for them to grow these young souls to become whole. We endeavor to nurture these children to develop their talents and grow in their dreams in diversity. We promise to allow them to freely embrace nature and its mysteries to propel them to succeed in whatever they were meant to be in compassion, proper instructive methods, discipline and love. Their dreams will become real when we honor their natural chosen paths with uniqueness withdrawing our own and world expectations from them. Children should be given a chance, space, room and support to grow, think and learn with creativity, in storytelling and in writing, drama, nature, artistry and poetry. Teachers must identify each child’s academic needs with dignity and love, their challenges to be tackled with compassion and discipline, their desire to be upheld with laughter and song and such a drive to lead them to the realization of their dreams from now and the future. A teacher to be a coach and should never master the child but be the one who enlightens, empowers, encourages and supports in all ways with passion and compassion to reach its full potential. The teacher should not pollute the minds of the young academicians nor brain wash them but to encourage them by supplying to them the needs of the mind, the desire of the hearts and the passions of their dreams during learning. Children of today have been programmed, they are soon becoming robots and in the end what will we have? “Dummies who are academically cloned”.

Standard 4 Class

Parents should partner with teachers by supporting them in each and every way. The support of the parents is paramount for the teacher to realize their best in class and all they do to give the children the right education. The home should provide a conducive environment free from abuse whether domestic or otherwise, entertainment related pollution, junk food eating and bad role modeling. The home should be the home that trains good morals, source of spiritual nourishment and protection from all insecurities that are the order of the day in every village, community and it is become a global challenge. A parent should monitor, observe, discipline and allow the child to be feeling at home homely. Love must take the lead and the rest to follow. When the parents pass over such children to the teachers, they will not only have it easier beginning but a better way to propagate their teaching, instruction and training, promoting and instilling the right education needs for these children. There is success in school when the home provides the right environment to attain full potential in academic, intellectual and personal development.

Middle class

The school management should provide an environment that protects children from insecurities, poor feeding programs, bullying and all sorts of bad role modeling. Teachers should be encouraged and challenged to follow their code of conducts and ethics. They should have a better working relationship with their pupils to achieve good working relationships. Professionalism and skills should be in action whether in regular classes, extracurricular activities, sports and in drama.
Thank you and May God Bless the dreams and aspirations of our children. And May FreMo take the lead to nurture, enlighten and empower

Speech by Moffat Osoro Founder FreMo Elementary School on 12/05/2014

The Dream - A beautiful School to nurture our children

Three months earlier, February 2014

the first view of what will be of fremo school
One month later, fencing, flooring, and partition had been done. Moffat sitted  beside the flower. It was magnificent

Mr. Momanyi making chairs and tables at School(Moffat) 2 months later

When all was done, it was magical.Look!

School ready for children

Official opening, there Vicki who had traveled all the way from Aussie, Frank and Moff.See! There.

Official Opening of the school
Our first pupils. Couldn't be happier than today 01/05/2014

Teacher Marion. Amazing trainer

First batch of children May 1st