Sunday, August 17, 2014

Communal Love through care

In a world awash with me, me and me, or I, Me and Myself we are lacking a communal, moral and brotherly sense of belonging and identity. When “I” take centre stage, the rest  of “you, us, we, them “become strangers and the world becomes a hostile environment for that in need and their attraction of concern and attention is bewildered with the belief, I don’t take a responsibility for someone else’s is misfortunes. In such situations, the fate factor is colonized and accused of being responsible for each one’s circumstances and aftermath consequences. The world becomes a home, solace and a community when we care, share, tap, listen, provide, and consider that every negative aspect causing distress to a brother or a sister is mine. “Mine”, implying that I have got an obligation and a shared responsibility together with the rest of humanity to resolute. ‘My’ factor should be part of the solution and not the problem. I can make a step even if it is a sacrifice that comes with an ultimate price that will drive the rest of humanity to oscillate in love to tell fate to reconsider its crudeness to my brother and sister and bring forth a better game plan that will bring joyousness and happiness. In my own thinking, my belief in being a good Samaritan and a brother/sister’s keeper is going to bring me to the platform to either make it half way better or make it best. Breakdown of traditions which held everybody accountable have been replaced with the modern form of civilization that takes little charge of what is happening in the next wall. We are a four wall room inside people. I care for what is within the four brick/stone walls; the rest out there is gossip, intrusion or bad manners. Ours has become a one versioned take where we rarely consider our own selfish interests to the in waiting repercussions that await our beliefs against those of others. Knock and knock to those nearby and ask them where it hurts, least or most and take a bold shameless step to listen crazily and come with a game plan, an action plan to reach out. If you find it not knowing where to start from, kindly step forward and reach out for those children at fremo elementary school that I have taken a step to care and bring the best in them through education. or contact me

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